Technically Skills
Proficient in multiple modern programming languages
such as Java, Python, Javascript, and Typescript.
Experience with building full-stack projects with
different combinations of front-end and back-end
frameworks. Spring, React, Next.js.
Currently holds a Full-Stack Web Developer Certificate
and Certified Solution Architect Associate from AWS.
OptionX is a website that utilizes advanced
financial analysis techniques to recommend
profitable option trading strategies. It
features real-time option data delivery using
Flask and WebSocket-based data pipeline and is
designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of
4000+ daily option strategies.
E-Commerce Website
E-Commerce Website (Clothing) built with React
and Redux. Currently contains 10+ items, that
users can browse, and purchase through the Stripe
payment method. The back-end server is hosted
in AWS using EC2, S3, and AWS RDS (MySQL) for
product management.